Sunday, 1 December 2013

Where on Earth Have You Been Missy!?

Hey m'lovelies, it's been a while hasn't it? Though my absence has all been in good reason which I will explain to you all in the next couple of paragraphs!

So recently I've been having a bit of a midlife crisis, quite sad considering that I'm yet to even turn twenty but I digress. As you all know from the post I put up just before my disappearance I got really sick, although it was nothing overly serious it completely wiped me out. I wasn't blogging, I wasn't going to sixth form I was simply existing, eating my body weight in mini rolls, playing the Sims and generally feeling a bit sorry for myself. Do to the large amounts of time I had on my hands I ended up doing a lot of thinking, a lot of over-thinking, and spent the fortnight contemplating every life decision I've made so far.

As I'm sure many of you are experiencing or have experienced at some point there comes a time in your life where you have to grow up, where you have to start making these huge life decisions. What do I want to do with my life? Am I studying the right things? Am I wasting my time? How do I work a washing machine? All these questions, and the reality is the only person that can truly answer these questions is you (minus the washing machine one, parents can be rather useful there). After a lot of thinking (and a lot more packets of mini-rolls) I came to some important conclusions about where I am in my life and I'm happy to report that I am indeed still very set on going to university and studying in my chosen profession and with all my university applications finalized I'm going full speed ahead with that.

Something I'd been forgetting lately
With all this going on I also gave my blog some serious thought, when I started blogging it was a hobby to help me get away from the intensity of my studies. But as people actually started to follow me and I realised people were reading my ramblings I suddenly felt obliged to keep on top of things and to do more reviews as that's where my main traffic comes from. As much as I love writing reviews for you guys they do take up a lot of time and buying products also can add up to be quite expensive and I realised I couldn't do this every single post. With me being such an all or nothing person this led to me avoiding my blog all together which makes me sad because this was such a release for me. So I made the decision to come back and just do things my way, old Alexi Metal Pirate style. I can't wait to update you guys on all the great plans I have ahead of me and maybe even share a snippet or two of my new found enlightenment with you (I'm clearly now going to become a great philosopher).

To long didn't read? In short I'm back! I want to carry on blogging but I feel like i haven't found my niche yet, and you know what? That's okay! So until I do this blog may be a chaotic mix of me going on about my life, the odd review and tutorial or maybe even things that are completely out of the ordinary! All I can say is that I love each and every one of you and I hope you'll sick with me while I try and figure this thing called life out, and hey, even if I don't you can read the chronicles of Alexi trying and failing to get her life in order and if nothing else may just make you feel a little bit better about yourselves haha!

Love & TubTubs

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