Saturday, 2 November 2013

Being Sick Sucks!

Hey m'lovlies, so as you may have noticed I fell off the face of the blogging world for just over a week, which is such a pain considering I'd finally gotten myself into a routine. But for the first time in my blogging career I actually have a decent reason for not being active, I'm really really ill. Boo!

So just to fill you guys in a bit without going into any graphic details I've been feeling a bit ill for a little but and assumed it was a winter bug that was going around and didn't think anything of it. Now I'm a pro at convincing myself I'm dying and Googling my symptoms so it would be that the one time something was genuinely wrong that I dismiss it *sigh*. So I went into A&E last Sunday and they drugged me up on painkillers before sending me home so unfortunately I'm still waiting about on my local healthcare service to have some more tests done.

So due to this blogging isn't the only thing that's taken a hit, I'm really far behind on sixth form work and had to miss out on hours at my job. So today I've just been playing catch up trying to get everything back in order before Monday when I have to return to sixth form and just get on with things. Blogging should return to normal next week though so don't think I've abandoned you lovely lot because I've really missed seeing your comments! Side note this post was a lot longer and went into a lot more detail, then my web browser crashed and I lost it all so this will have to do for now, sorry!

I hope you're all well and I'll see you next week!

Love & TubTubs

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