Hey Guys!
Had a sudden bout of inspiration to pick up the iPad and start blogging again courtesy of my lovely Norwegian friend Kine (I seem to be picking up a regular stream of Norwegians now days, lovely bunch, maybe I can build up a fleet!). So the last month of my life has been mostly dedicated to revising my butt off for my final A-level exams however, (plot twist) I've decided to stay put in my home town for the extra year which means next year I'll have the joys of sitting these exams all over again just hopefully with less stress and reduced weight gain. I have many reasons to stay put for the extra year one of the main ones being a string of poor decisions in the previous past two years has meant the stress of moving to uni may cause permanent damage to my sanity, but I can't help but feel that topic should be a whole blog post in itself so I digress!
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Because this seemed like a good idea at the time! |
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The best people ever! |
Aside from having my head stuck in a textbook and drinking unhealthy amounts of red bull I have actually had a few decent nights out the latest of which being the 18th birthday celebrations of one of my oldest friends Sam. We had a simple BBQ in his back garden followed by a night I don't overly remember down the pub but honestly it was a much needed night full of old friends I'd not had the chance to catch up with since starting my A-Levels. Highlights of the evening included Issac setting the BBQ on fire and Fluffy having the fabulous idea to put it out with a cider causing a mild explosion, Sam vomiting all over the pub carpet in true 18th style & spending £35 on shots that no body really liked haha. I do remember also rounding off the evening with a nice open mic session of "Fast Car" which is a beautiful song that made me very emotional (that said I am one of those drunks...Owp).
As you can imagine the next morning was hell and not made any more comfortable by having four hours of chemistry. As luck would have it though my chemistry teacher sensed my livers distress and got me coffee, best teacher award over here! So although short but sweet I'm going to depart from this post seeing as if my teacher's nice enough to fetch me coffee the least I can do is actually pass one of his exams so I'm off to drink more red bull and cry over thermodynamics. See you soon!
Love & TubTubs
♫"And I, I had a feeling like I belong. And I, I had a feeling I can be someone" ♫