Hey guys! So I've mentioned it a million times before but sometimes I like to use my blog as a diary to help me keep track of what I'm doing with my life. So today I'm going to share a roundup of my life in 2013 with you lovely lot. It's been a really big year to me and I've been through a lot of highs and lows, but I've come out the other side okay and I'm super excited to see what the new year has to offer! So without further ado lets get started, apologies in advance as I can tell this is going to be super long!
January was a blank slate for me and I really do think I made the most out of it, I started my weight loss journey very successfully and this is also when I decided to step out of my comfort zone and start talking to new people. This was the start of many wonderful friendships with amazing people from all over the world that I honestly feel blessed to have met, at the same time though a few long standing friendships fizzled out. I stand by my belief that this was no one's fault and sometimes people grow apart especially once you've left school and are starting to build your own identities and even though I'm no longer friends with these girls I wish them all the luck in the world with what they wish to do in life.
February was the month where my relationships with my new friends flourished and I really started to find my feet and come out of my shell. I attended social gatherings and really started to put myself out there I grew as a person and it also marks the first year I celebrated my birthday with more then three people. I've always been too scared to have parties because I worry that no one would show up but I'm super happy I did because it was the best birthday I've had to date!
Best birthday to date <3 |
March was a very male orientated month unfortunately filled with many bad decisions. It marked the end of my two year relationship which although hard at the time I came to terms with and am happy to report that we're still on good terms and there was no bloodshed. I also decided to meet up with someone I met on Facebook, he turned out to be both real and not a rapist which is always a good sign however it was a short lived friendship and I will completely take the blame for that one. I'm willing to admit that I hurt a fair few people in that month and it's definitely a time I'm not proud of, on a happier note now amends have been made and I've learnt a lot from these experiences, every cloud has a silver lining.
April & May
I'm afraid I have very little to report for April & May, I entered a new relationship which was a big mistake on my part. Emotionally I wasn't ready for it and needless to say it was short lived but we'll get into that a little further on. It was also this month that I broke up with a little thing called Physics, I made the decision to drop physics due to falling so far behind due to poor health and I'm happy I did because I could then put all the energy I had into my other studies and I feel really grateful to be in a teaching environment where the staff care about my well being and let me make that decision. My health really did affect me during this time period and stopped me doing very much of anything hence the lack of any sort of blogging substance...sorry!
June marked two very big things this year. The first thing was Download festival 2013, now I don't normally put festivals and gigs down as "big things" but this was different. Not only did I manage to overcome my medical issues to go in the first place but I met Ville Valo which is a complete dream come true for me and I'm still in awe that it happened. The second thing was the start of my exams, but after meeting Ville nothing was going to get me down and I went full speed ahead into my exams
Me & Ville. Please ignore my trying not to die face :') |
July was a very up and down month for me. Right in the middle of my exams I was dumped which really damaged my moods and my grades. However, thanks to my wonderful friends and family I really turned the month around, finished my exams and went on to have a wonderful summer. I had plans almost every single day and I
was making the most of spending time with my friends before they flew
home for good. It was a summer of relaxing and creating memories that
I'll honestly cherish for a lifetime.
August really was just a continuation of July, I had to say goodbye to some really good friends but I also made new ones, I went abroad for the first time in four years and just enjoyed life and all it has to offer. The end of August marked the
dreaded results day, upon opening my envelope I didn't receive the
grades I'd wanted but after crying in the toilets for a hour I spoke to
my teachers got a plan of action together and came to terms with it
pretty quickly if I'm honest. Looking back on it, my results weren't
even too bad, I "passed and was able to progress into my second year so
all wasn't lost!
Leaving party for my girls <3 |
September was a really hard month for me, as I said at the start the year was full of highs and lows and I think this month was the worst of the year. Going back to sixth form was hard because I was walking into the common room and my group of friends was now a fifth of the size and that took a while to adjust too. The hardest part of the month and possibly my year was the loss of a friend of six years, I won't go into to much detail as this is at the end of the day the Internet, but my best friend turned out to be someone I didn't know who was manipulative and decided to put poor life decisions before our friendship. I was betrayed and completely crushed and sadly this does still effect me though I have come to terms with it much better recently.
October was proof to me that things do get better, it marks the month I reconnected with my current boyfriend (remember the Facebook guy from March?) who not only makes me happy for the obvious boyfriend-ey reasons but has taught me a lot about myself, life in general...and pronunciation! I grew closer to my remaining friends, however also had to deal with my closest friend moving to the other side of the country which although hard I dealt with so much better than expected. This was the real game changing month for me, things headed up from here and I can only hope that this new outlook stays with me because it's making life wonderful!
November & December
November and December I've merged together for two reasons. One, I've been blogging so anything of interest that's happened during this period you will already know about and two, this post is stupidly long. In short things are looking up, I've gained a new perspective and I'm trying more things. I've learnt to be satisfied with the person I am and I feel that despite everything that happened this year I came out of it all in the best way possible.
Wow this is probably the longest post I've ever written, leave me a comment if you actually got to the bottom of this, seriously I'm interested! So there we have it, my 2013! I know it's a little vague in some places but I do have to keep in mind that this is the Internet, I really wanted to put this up not only for my benefit but also to show how much things can turn around in the space of a few months so if things were hard for you last year chin up and keep moving forward! Until next time...
Love & TubTubs