Hey m'lovlies! So if you follow me on twitter you'll know that I recently took a mini adventure up to London to catch up with an old friend who's studying there (that's that Lexy fellow in the pictures below). It feels so nice to be able to start doing things again and making memories with the people dear to me as two years ago my health deteriorated and stopped me doing things like taking trains. Boo! However, now that I'm recovering I'm making up for lost time and getting out to see the world! Well South England, we all have to start somewhere right?
So after the long ass train ride and a quick catch up coffee (not to mention the chaos that is trying to find a single person in Waterloo station) we decided to take a trip down to Covent Gardens. Now you may or may not know that I am a huge (obsessive maybe?) fan of the Moomins, for those of you who have no idea what these fabulous little creatures are go and look them up right now, seriously you're missing out big time! Quite coincidentally there is also a Moomin shop in London, even more coincidentally Covent Garden! So straight off the tube we decided (well I can't really say Lex had to much of a say in the matter) to go hunt down this shop, we soon gave up on Apple Maps after it telling us we were in Hertfordshire but my expert navigation skills got us there in under ten minutes. Expert Moomin radar right here I think!
Now I could go into expert detail describing my experience in that one particular shop and the pure joy that overcame me but firstly I think that's only interesting to me and secondly we wouldn't want you all thinking I'm a little odd now would we? So after an hour of gawping at everything I eventually went to pay and got talking to the lovely guy behind the till who signed me up to the newsletter and then casually told me that there would be a giant Moomin making an appearance at 12:30 later on that day. So obviously I set my alarm to prepare to rush back for such a monumental event and we eventually left the shop.
So whilst preparing myself for a key moment in my life (I did warn you it was a mild obsession) we wandered around and Lex introduced me to the wonder that is Forbidden Planet, now being a fan of Lord of the Rings & Big Bang Theory amongst other nerdy things this was probably one of the most awesome shops ever! After that delightful experience I realised it was 12:25 and ran back to the Moomin shop in my heals (this proved to be a huge mistake when I was later hobbling about London), I will save you another Moomin obsessed paragraph and narrow it down to I met a giant Moomin and brought more stuff...It was the best thing ever!
The plan after this was to travel down to Camden to look around the market, grab some food go and watch Insidious 2. However, once we got to the cinima it turns out that the viewing that we were planning to see didn't actually exist & three cinemas later we gave up and just decided to head back to Waterloo and generally act like tourists before I had to dash off and get the train home due to having a 8am class the next morning.
So enough of my ramblings I shall leave you with a few pictures from the day, I apologize for my tragic face/hair/existence in the picture of me and the giant Moomin I was very excitable and had just ran from the other side of Covent Garden haha!
Love & TubTubs (& Moomins!)