Hey guys, I know this isn't normally a day I blog although looking around my page you wouldn't think I had any schedule at all seeing as I deleted everything and only just got back into the swing of it, oops. Anyway the point of this is that it's a response to a video that I've just watched done by a man called Haydn Clark dedicated to his twitter followers. Now my original plan was to do a video response to that video, however that didn't work out as it was just a lot of me saying um before eventually getting a bit emotional (it's been a tough day, will make a separate post on that) but I just wanted to write up a post to still try and get the message across because I'm a strong believer in letting people know when they effect you, even if it's saying "I like your shoes" to that stranger in the street you never know how that could effect someone's day. So without further ado here's the jist of what I was trying to get across in the video before inevitably giving up.
EDIT: Okay, apparently I can't write either, but this gives you the jist of what I was trying to say as rambly as it may sound.
Dear Hayden
Trying to keep this short, don't know if that'll work but I'll give it a shot. I just wanted to say that watching your latest video got me thinking, you say you're so grateful to have your followers but the truth is we're the lucky ones to have someone as influential as you to look up to. I feel that I can speak for most of us (that aren't thinking with our genitals) when I say that your input has really effected so many of us in different ways. Okay by this point I've kind of given up on speaking for all of us and I'll shift it onto a more personal level some may agree with me, some not, some partly, but I figure by this point instead of trying to write a diplomatic blog post it's just going to be easier to speak what's on my mind. Personally I don't have a visible disability, but about three years ago I was diagnosed with a condition with my digestive system that generally made day to day life hard, with this came me not wanting to leave the house in fear of getting sick and due to this lack of socializing and self esteem, anxiety and depression followed soon after. Now I'm aware that doesn't really relate to your story much at all, but occasionally I'd see things on your twitter that would just give me that little bit of extra hope to get me through the day. A few months on I'm now getting my life back together and I wanted to just say thank you, because I feel just seeing little things from you would either lift my mood or inspire me to push on and that helped a lot through this dark patch. I felt today was a good opportunity to write this not only because it's the day I saw the video but it's also been a veryvery bad day for me for many personal reasons that I wouldn't divulge on the internet and it's the point where I would normally give up. However, you've inspired me to keep fighting through these days in hope that I'll come out the other end okay which is something I've never been able to do. So thank you, from me and from everyone you've ever inspired.
So there you have it guys, a badly worded late night post from me. Sorry if this post was a bit heavy and personal but don't worry i'll be back next week with something far more lighthearted and maybe a pug or two.
Sweet Dreams
Sunday, 19 May 2013
Friday, 17 May 2013
Lush; Bunty Box
Hey Guys!
So this blog is well overdue seeing as I received this gift from my mum over a month ago, but truth be told I just didn't have the heart to open the packaging, it's so pretty! So as you may have guessed from the title this post is dedicated to the Bunty Box from Lush.
Now for those who aren't familiar with Lush's gift boxes, they're simply just pre-made boxes with products in them. They cover a large price range and each box has a different "theme" so to speak so there's something for everyone. This particular box as you may have guessed from the packaging is very girly and sweet smelling and along with this most of the products in this box are pink, not my colour of choice but when they smell this damn good who am I to complain? This box consists of four products so is one of the smaller boxes retailing for £13.25 and contains; a mini comforter bubble bar, a creamy candy bubble bar, a space girl bath ballistic and a think pink bath ballistic. Which I'm going to talk you lovely lot through now!
The Comforter - Now I've owned this many a time and it's my all time favourite bath product from Lush, It's normally absolutely huge however this mini one I'd use for just one or two baths depending on my mood. It turns the water a lovely deep shade of pink and smells like blackcurrant, sweet goodness. There are just no words to do it justice. Go to Lush and sniff it. Now.
Creamy Candy - This is another bubble bar so it goes without saying this bar makes your bath become some sort of candy paradise. You all know the California Girls by Katy Perry music video? Yeah it's like bathing in that. Again bubblegum pink water and a very sweet scent, it even has a little flower in the center for added effect, well isn't that nice?
Space Girl - Unlike the two previous products this is a bath ballistic, now I hear you ask "Alexi, what's a bath ballistic!?" plain and simple, it's a bath bomb. You pop this in your bath and it freaks out for a few minutes before leaving you with gorgeous smelling lilac water. Now what I absolutely love about this product is that it smells like Parma Violet sweets which are also up there in my top things that exist so always a good thing. A final point about this delightful treat is that it has a coating of glitter over the top, although this completely disappears once in the bath it's a nice little touch.
Think Pink - I'm going to be honest with you guys I haven't actually used this one yet so I can't really tell you what it's like in action. However, first impressions are that it smells lovely and has a really bright vibrant colour that I hope shows up in the bath just as nicely. On the tag it also says it contains an "explosion of confetti hearts" so I'm expecting magnificent things from this and I'll keep you posted. Don't let me down Lush!
So that m'lovelies is the Bunty Box, definitely a great gift for lovers of sweet smelling things or girly girls that isn't going to break the bank. I wouldn't recommend for someone who isn't that into sweet scents as there isn't a huge amount of variety in this box but with Lush's vast array of gift-boxes finding another one shouldn't be much of a chore.
Until next time
So this blog is well overdue seeing as I received this gift from my mum over a month ago, but truth be told I just didn't have the heart to open the packaging, it's so pretty! So as you may have guessed from the title this post is dedicated to the Bunty Box from Lush.
Now for those who aren't familiar with Lush's gift boxes, they're simply just pre-made boxes with products in them. They cover a large price range and each box has a different "theme" so to speak so there's something for everyone. This particular box as you may have guessed from the packaging is very girly and sweet smelling and along with this most of the products in this box are pink, not my colour of choice but when they smell this damn good who am I to complain? This box consists of four products so is one of the smaller boxes retailing for £13.25 and contains; a mini comforter bubble bar, a creamy candy bubble bar, a space girl bath ballistic and a think pink bath ballistic. Which I'm going to talk you lovely lot through now!
The Comforter - Now I've owned this many a time and it's my all time favourite bath product from Lush, It's normally absolutely huge however this mini one I'd use for just one or two baths depending on my mood. It turns the water a lovely deep shade of pink and smells like blackcurrant, sweet goodness. There are just no words to do it justice. Go to Lush and sniff it. Now.
Creamy Candy - This is another bubble bar so it goes without saying this bar makes your bath become some sort of candy paradise. You all know the California Girls by Katy Perry music video? Yeah it's like bathing in that. Again bubblegum pink water and a very sweet scent, it even has a little flower in the center for added effect, well isn't that nice?
Space Girl - Unlike the two previous products this is a bath ballistic, now I hear you ask "Alexi, what's a bath ballistic!?" plain and simple, it's a bath bomb. You pop this in your bath and it freaks out for a few minutes before leaving you with gorgeous smelling lilac water. Now what I absolutely love about this product is that it smells like Parma Violet sweets which are also up there in my top things that exist so always a good thing. A final point about this delightful treat is that it has a coating of glitter over the top, although this completely disappears once in the bath it's a nice little touch.
Think Pink - I'm going to be honest with you guys I haven't actually used this one yet so I can't really tell you what it's like in action. However, first impressions are that it smells lovely and has a really bright vibrant colour that I hope shows up in the bath just as nicely. On the tag it also says it contains an "explosion of confetti hearts" so I'm expecting magnificent things from this and I'll keep you posted. Don't let me down Lush!
So that m'lovelies is the Bunty Box, definitely a great gift for lovers of sweet smelling things or girly girls that isn't going to break the bank. I wouldn't recommend for someone who isn't that into sweet scents as there isn't a huge amount of variety in this box but with Lush's vast array of gift-boxes finding another one shouldn't be much of a chore.
Until next time
Sunday, 12 May 2013
Models Own Review
Hey Guys!
So after getting my results back for my chemistry ISA to find I'd actually gotten a really good grade (after crying hysterically to anyone that would listen about how I'd failed and was going nowhere in life) I decided it was a perfect opportunity (excuse) to go do some shopping, after all it was a well deserved reward. So within a few hours my 86% had somehow converted itself to about £86 I was walking through the streets of Guildford quite a happy bunny. Within my grade induced shopping I decided to pick up a Models Own nail varnish that I'd seen a swatch for online, however after scouring Boots for about half hour I'd concluded that they didn't have the polish I was after (Emerald Black where are you!?) but I had managed to pick up four other ever so pretty polishes...it happens to the best of us right?
Now normally I'm the kind of person that doesn't have the time of day for my nails; firstly I'm a recovering nail biter so my nails are never looking to happy regardless of which color I've splashed across them. Secondly; I'm a very impatient bugger and I find sitting about for 20 minutes flapping your hands about quite the chore. However, lately I've found that if I keep my nails painted I don't bite them so I'm trying to make much more of an effort when it comes to my fingers. As you can see above the colors I picked up all have some sort of purple in them but I think they're different enough to justify buying all four so lets not dwell on that fact.
My first impression of these polishes wasn't the best as when I put a single coat of "Purple Blue" on my not so willing boyfriends finger (as I was too impatient to get home and take of my own nail varnish) it just looked a bit brown and bleh, not the amazing effect I wanted after hearing so many great things about these polishes. However, when I got home I applied the same colour with a base coat, top coat and two coats of colour, little excessive? Probably. Worth it? Yes. I will say though that despite having four layers of varnish on my nails they didn't feel thick or plastic-ey (is that a word...it is now) which is a nice bonus.
When I uploaded a picture of the polishes to my Facebook I did receive a comment saying how my friend and fellow blogger had a negative experience with these saying they chipped off really easily so I decided to put this to the test by wearing them to work. Now I'm only a sales assistant, however today we got a delivery in so my whole shift consisted of heavy lifting, tag gunning, typing and general hand abuse so I was expecting loads of little chips over my nails. To my pleasure I only had one chip in total and that was on the nail that I'd messed up when painting so reapplied that morning in a single coat of colour and no top coat so I think we can let them off on that one.
To summarize; these varnishes are awesome. They stay put once dry with minimal chipping so unless you're planning on fighting a t-rex or massaging a cheese grater I'd say you're good to go as far as longevity is concerned. They come in an array of pretty colors therefore sadly most stores don't sell the whole collection so it's worth checking out their website. They're only £5 each so won't break the bank, word of warning though when I went shopping Boots were having a sale on all their cosmetics.In turn this led me to go a little crazy and buy double of everything I intended to, because you know that's economical...!
Sorry I've got no swatches of these actually on my fingers but as I said my hands aren't the prettiest at the moment with exams coming up and combined with the fact my camera is currently having a little hissy fit it just wasn't going to work out. The website however have a whole page dedicated for peoples swatches though so go there for nail art and swatch galore! www.modelsownit.com.
Until next time!
So after getting my results back for my chemistry ISA to find I'd actually gotten a really good grade (after crying hysterically to anyone that would listen about how I'd failed and was going nowhere in life) I decided it was a perfect opportunity (excuse) to go do some shopping, after all it was a well deserved reward. So within a few hours my 86% had somehow converted itself to about £86 I was walking through the streets of Guildford quite a happy bunny. Within my grade induced shopping I decided to pick up a Models Own nail varnish that I'd seen a swatch for online, however after scouring Boots for about half hour I'd concluded that they didn't have the polish I was after (Emerald Black where are you!?) but I had managed to pick up four other ever so pretty polishes...it happens to the best of us right?
Top Left; Indian Ocean. Top Right; Purple Blue. Bottom Left; Mystic Mauve. Bottom Right; Boogie Nights |
My first impression of these polishes wasn't the best as when I put a single coat of "Purple Blue" on my not so willing boyfriends finger (as I was too impatient to get home and take of my own nail varnish) it just looked a bit brown and bleh, not the amazing effect I wanted after hearing so many great things about these polishes. However, when I got home I applied the same colour with a base coat, top coat and two coats of colour, little excessive? Probably. Worth it? Yes. I will say though that despite having four layers of varnish on my nails they didn't feel thick or plastic-ey (is that a word...it is now) which is a nice bonus.
When I uploaded a picture of the polishes to my Facebook I did receive a comment saying how my friend and fellow blogger had a negative experience with these saying they chipped off really easily so I decided to put this to the test by wearing them to work. Now I'm only a sales assistant, however today we got a delivery in so my whole shift consisted of heavy lifting, tag gunning, typing and general hand abuse so I was expecting loads of little chips over my nails. To my pleasure I only had one chip in total and that was on the nail that I'd messed up when painting so reapplied that morning in a single coat of colour and no top coat so I think we can let them off on that one.
To summarize; these varnishes are awesome. They stay put once dry with minimal chipping so unless you're planning on fighting a t-rex or massaging a cheese grater I'd say you're good to go as far as longevity is concerned. They come in an array of pretty colors therefore sadly most stores don't sell the whole collection so it's worth checking out their website. They're only £5 each so won't break the bank, word of warning though when I went shopping Boots were having a sale on all their cosmetics.In turn this led me to go a little crazy and buy double of everything I intended to, because you know that's economical...!
Sorry I've got no swatches of these actually on my fingers but as I said my hands aren't the prettiest at the moment with exams coming up and combined with the fact my camera is currently having a little hissy fit it just wasn't going to work out. The website however have a whole page dedicated for peoples swatches though so go there for nail art and swatch galore! www.modelsownit.com.
Until next time!
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